Nov 18, 2023

General Classes on Public Administration with Fahri Hamzah

On Saturday, 18 November 2023, the Public Administration Science Student Association (HIMA Adpub) Faculty of Social Sciences (FIS) Muhammadiyah University Sukabumi (UMMI) held general classes with the theme "Indonesian Democracy and People's Welfare." Taking place at the Islamic Center Building, Sukabumi City, this event was attended by the Deputy Dean of FIS, Chair, Secretary, and Lecturers of the Adpub Study Program, not to forget the students as participants.

The agenda featured an experienced politician known as the 'parliamentary lion, namely Mr. Fahri Hamzah (Deputy Chair of the DPR RI for the 2014-2019 period); he expressed his thoughts regarding the close relationship between quality democracy and people's welfare.

The public lecture was communicative and interactive between the speaker and all participants in the frame of prioritizing inclusive democratic values ​​and embracing the interests of society in order to realize people's welfare.