Oct 04, 2023

MASTAKA, Faculty of Social Sciences, is ready to welcome the young generation of achievers

On Wednesday, 04 October 2023 Faculty of Social Sciences (FIS) Muhammadiyah University Sukabumi (UMMI). Holding an annual agenda to welcome new students for FY 2023/2024 known as the Taaruf and Familiarity Period (Mastaka) FIS UMMI. Taking place in the field of the DEF Building, the opening ceremony of the event was attended by the Dean, Deputy Dean, Chair, Secretary and Study Program Lecturers within FIS, Faculty staff, as well as 209 New Students of the Faculty of Social Sciences as Participants in the 2023 Faculty Mastaka.

Carrying the theme "Leadership is Action not Position", this event was opened directly by the Dean of FIS, Mr. Rizki Hegia Sampurna, Ph.D. followed by material on the faculty, Mr. Rizki explained and introduced what the Faculty of Social Sciences is, its advantages and the 5 superior study programs under the supervision of the Faculty of Social Sciences to all new students.

The series of activities on the first day of MASFAK was then continued with the presentation of material delivered directly by lecturers, staff, alumni, and external parties who were involved. One of them was the presentation of material regarding the technical services of the Faculty of Social Sciences which was explained by Hana Qurota A'yun, S.AB. as Academic and Student Affairs staff and Mr. Rusliana, SE. as a representation of the General Finance staff and staffing of the Faculty of Law.

MASTAKA FIS was held with the aim of providing new students with insight into the environment of the Faculty of Social Sciences, as well as introducing and preparing new students in the transition process from student to student status.