Aug 14, 2023

FIAH Holds VMTS Workshop Involving International Partners

On Monday, August 14, 2023, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Humanities (FIAH) Muhammadiyah University Sukabumi (UMMI) held a Preparing Vision and Mission Goals and Targets or VMTS FIAH Workshop. Located in Room A4 UMMI, this event was held hybrid and divided into 2 sessions.

The first session was attended by the Chancellor of UMMI, the Dean and Deputy Dean, the FIAH Quality Group, the Head of Research and Development of BAPPEDA Sukabumi City, the Chair of the Sukabumi City Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the FIAH VMTS Task Force Team, the Chair and Secretary of the Study Program as well as Alumni and active students from study programs in the FIAH Environment.

The series of workshops began and officially opened with a speech from the Chancellor of UMMI, Mr. Dr. Sakti Alamsyah, M. Pd. then continued with the presentation of VMTS FIAH by Dr. R. Deni M Danial, M.M, as Chair of the VMTS FIAH task force team. This activity took place in a very interactive manner. On this occasion, the external parties involved included Prof. Dr. Muslimin Machmud, M.Sc., as Chair of the PTMA FISIP Dean's Forum, Mr. Banyu Citra Anggara, M.M. As Head of Research and Development, Sukabumi City Bappeda, and Mr. Ade Wahyudin, S.T. Chairman of the Sukabumi City Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The suggestions, suggestions and input submitted encourage FIAH's progress and hopes and aspirations for the next two decades.

"The rationality for preparing VMTS must include a description of ideals, provide direction to the targets to be achieved, be a bridge that can connect current and future conditions, and foster commitment and work enthusiasm. "So there must be milestones/milestones that are following the Strategic Plan," stressed Prof. Dr. Muslimin

The 2nd Session of the FIAH VMTS Workshop was held online via Zoom Meeting on Monday, August 21 2023, led by Mr Rizki Hegia Sampurna, PhD Dean of FIAH. Mrs. Siska Hestiana, M.Hum. The Secretary of the VMTS FIAH Taskforce team is acting as moderator.

In this session, FIAH presented International Partners, including Prof. Chou Chih Chieh, PhD as Chairman of the Dept. of Political Science, NKCU, Taiwan, Prof. Dr Rabeeya Raoof. Dean and Dr. Naveed Anwer as HoD of Lahore Business School, University of Lahore, Pakistan and Dr. Sadia from Ibadat International University Islamabad (IIUI) Pakistan.

It is hoped that the target of implementing the VMTS workshop will be to realize the ideals of the UMMI Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Humanities as a Faculty that excels in developing social, cultural and humanities sciences that are integrated with Al-Islam and Muhammadiyah and can compete globally in 2042.