Jul 10, 2023

ADBIS Cares for Tourist Attractions

On Monday, 10 July 2023, students of the Business Administration Study Program (AdBis) Faculty of Administrative Sciences and Humanities Muhammadiyah University Sukabumi (FIAH UMMI) distributed self-help products from students as a form of concern through the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) program by distributing trash cans made of from used drums. This activity was carried out at Karanghawu Ciletuh Beach-Pelabuhanratu Unesco Geopark (CPUGG).

Mrs. Resa Nurmala, S.AB., M.A. as the accompanying lecturer in this activity, stated that the program was an implementation of the Business Ethics Course, which required students to carry out the practice of creating their own small business by setting aside 2.5% of profits from their business as CSR.

A total of 15 units of trash cans were successfully distributed and immediately handed over to the Tourism Office of Sukabumi Regency and Cisolok District. The two locations for distributing the trash cans were chosen, namely Karanghawu Beach and the beach at the Citepus Presidential Palace, considering that the large number of visitors who come to the two locations will undoubtedly need more trash bins.

The aims and objectives of CSR activities can further foster students' attention and concern for the surrounding environment, especially tourist sites that need to be kept comfortable and clean.