Recognition of Past Learning

Recognition of Past Learning

Recognition Past Learning (RPL) is an acknowledgment of Learning Outcomes (CP) obtained by a person from formal or non-formal or informal education, and/or work experience at the level of higher education, starting from level 3 KKNI or (D1 Program) up to qualification level level 9 KKNI (Doctoral Program). The RPL program as referred to has been stipulated by the Regulation of the Minister of Research, Technology and Higher Education number 26 of 2016.

RPL aims to provide opportunities for the community to enter the formal education system or be equalized with certain qualifications based on formal, non-formal, informal education or work experience in very special or rare fields and are needed by the state such as lecturers, instructors, teachers, health workers, and others. certain other very specific professions.

Some of the advantages of recognizing past learning achievements are:

  1. Provide an effective and efficient way of utilizing existing experts in the business and industrial world;
  2. Enables rapid tracking of employee competencies in the business and industrial world;
  3. Allows to identify skills gaps in education and industry, as a solid basis in training needs analysis and career planning;
  4. Cultivate a learning culture and motivation to carry out further education and training.
    More complete information and provisions can be seen in the RPL Implementation Guidelines and UMMI Academic Rekonigation Guidelines.